A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Cavelier de la Salle

Cavelier de la Salle  1640-1687

Cavelier de la Salle  1640-1687

  • louisiana
  • exploration
  • explorer

Phillip Roth

Philip Roth March 19, 1933 to May 22, 2018 Philip Roth was among the greatest American writers of any generation. He published thirty-one books of fiction, memoir, and essays. More than half were...

Philip Roth March 19, 1933 to May 22, 2018 Philip Roth was among the greatest American writers of any generation. He published thirty-one books of fiction, memoir, and essays. More than half...

  • philip roth
  • writers
  • jewish writers
  • pulitzer

New Englands First Fruits

After God had carried us safe to New England and wee had builded our houses provided necessaries for our liveli hood reard convenient places for Gods worships and settled the civill government one...

After God had carried us safe to New England and wee had builded our houses provided necessaries for our liveli hood reard convenient places for Gods worships and settled the civill government one...

  • harvard
  • puritans
  • protestant
  • education
  • new england
  • ministers

Honoring Alberto Arroyo for 50 years of jogging in Central Park

State of New York, Legislative Resolution Honoring Alberto Arroyo for 50 years of jogging in Central Park

State of New York, Legislative Resolution Honoring Alberto Arroyo for 50 years of jogging in Central Park

  • central park
  • jogging
  • reservoir

Sadie V. Thompson School

  • mississippi
  • education

Montreal's First Collector Sewer

Submitted by @krebzo.

Submitted by @krebzo.

    Pheena the Fin Whale

    • lhs
    • lawrence hal...
    • larry foster
    • whale
    • 1975
    • 2016
    • 2017

    Cerrito Theater Renovation

      Mitchell Lookout

      Major Thomas MitchellSurveyor General of the colony of New South Wales was the first European to ascend this mountain.  This he did on September 30th 1836 during the course of an expedition of...

      Major Thomas MitchellSurveyor General of the colony of New South Wales was the first European to ascend this mountain.  This he did on September 30th 1836 during the course of an expedition...

      • macedon
      • mitchell
      • victoria

      Mill Valley Softball Field

        Gate House

        GATE HOUSE HISTORY: Originally a one-story building housing a Model T Ford it was built before 1942. Dick Graveson, who served as president of the Marin Society of Artists, a previous owner, built...

        GATE HOUSE HISTORY: Originally a one-story building housing a Model T Ford it was built before 1942. Dick Graveson, who served as president of the Marin Society of Artists, a previous owner, built...

        • goodnight moon
        • runaway bunny

        The Mountain Theatre

          Cushing Memorial Amphitheater

            Mill Valley Mt Tamalpais and Scenic Railway

              The Greatest Sightseeing Trip on Earth