A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

In Memory of the Yokut Indians

In memory of the Yokut Indians who were here first and named the valley Cholame, The Beautiful One. To Norman F. "Buck" Kester who epitomized the pioneering spirit of the early settlers and to all...

In memory of the Yokut Indians who were here first and named the valley Cholame, The Beautiful One. To Norman F. "Buck" Kester who epitomized the pioneering spirit of the early settlers and to...

    Restoration of the Merchant Marine Memorial

    Restoration of this Memorial by Members of the Golden Gate Chapter San Francisco, CA of the American Merchant Marine Veterans, and Kings Point U.S. "Merchant Marine Academy" Alumni. Dedicated to...

    Restoration of this Memorial by Members of the Golden Gate Chapter San Francisco, CA of the American Merchant Marine Veterans, and Kings Point U.S. "Merchant Marine Academy" Alumni. Dedicated to...

      The Reverend Laurentine Hamilton

      The Reverend Laurentine Hamilton 1826 - 1882   The Naming of Mount Hamilton In the late summer of 1861, William H. Brewer, director of field work for the California State Geological Survey,...

      The Reverend Laurentine Hamilton 1826 - 1882   The Naming of Mount Hamilton In the late summer of 1861, William H. Brewer, director of field work for the California State Geological...

        James Lick

        James Lick August 25, 1796 - October 1, 1876 Pennsylvania Dutch Farm Boy - Master Craftsman and Pianomaker - South American Business Entrepreneur - California Pioneer - Real Estate Investor -...

        James Lick August 25, 1796 - October 1, 1876 Pennsylvania Dutch Farm Boy - Master Craftsman and Pianomaker - South American Business Entrepreneur - California Pioneer - Real Estate Investor...

          James Edward Keeler

          In memory of James Edward Keeler ScD. director of Lick Observatory 1989 - 1900.   "Surveyed God's beauteous firmament unrolled like to a book new writ in golden words. And turned the azure scroll...

          In memory of James Edward Keeler ScD. director of Lick Observatory 1989 - 1900.   "Surveyed God's beauteous firmament unrolled like to a book new writ in golden words. And turned the azure...

            Shay Locomotive

            National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark Felton, California   Heisler locomotive, built by Stearns Manufacturing Company, 1899. Shay locomotive, built by Lima Locomotive Works, 1912....

            National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark Felton, California   Heisler locomotive, built by Stearns Manufacturing Company, 1899. Shay locomotive, built by Lima Locomotive Works,...

              First Saw Mill

              First Saw Mill   About three hundred feet south of this monument on the banks of Alambique Creek, stood San Mateo County's first saw mill built by Charles Brown in 1847. About the same time Dennis...

              First Saw Mill   About three hundred feet south of this monument on the banks of Alambique Creek, stood San Mateo County's first saw mill built by Charles Brown in 1847. About the same time...

                San Luis Camp Adobe

                San Luis Camp Adobe   Oldest building in Merced County, built in 1848 by Francisco Perez Pacheco and his son on Rancho San Luis Gonzaga. Later a stopping place for vaqueros while driving cattle to...

                San Luis Camp Adobe   Oldest building in Merced County, built in 1848 by Francisco Perez Pacheco and his son on Rancho San Luis Gonzaga. Later a stopping place for vaqueros while driving cattle to...

                  Ramirez Adobe

                  In 1849, Antonio Ramirez built a small adobe on the El Camino Real, near the site of the ancient Indian village, Holamna. As a main artery to California's gold fields, the El Camino Real brought...

                  In 1849, Antonio Ramirez built a small adobe on the El Camino Real, near the site of the ancient Indian village, Holamna. As a main artery to California's gold fields, the El Camino Real brought...

                    First Mission Bell Made in California

                    The bronze bell in the center niche of the campanario was cast especially for this mission and is the first missiion bell made in California. It is 24 inches in diameter and weighs 500 pounds.  ...

                    The bronze bell in the center niche of the campanario was cast especially for this mission and is the first missiion bell made in California. It is 24 inches in diameter and weighs 500 pounds.  ...

                      Apollo 11 Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment (LURE)

                      IEEE Milestone   Apollo 11 Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment (LURE), 1969   On 1 August 1969, Lick Observatory made the first Earth-to-Moon distance measurement with centimeter accuracy. The...

                      IEEE Milestone   Apollo 11 Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment (LURE), 1969   On 1 August 1969, Lick Observatory made the first Earth-to-Moon distance measurement with centimeter accuracy....

                        Nova Albion

                        On June 17, 1579, Captain Francis Drake sailed his ship, Golden Hinde, into the Gulf of the Farallones and the bay that now bears his name. He sighted these white cliffs and named the land Nova...

                        On June 17, 1579, Captain Francis Drake sailed his ship, Golden Hinde, into the Gulf of the Farallones and the bay that now bears his name. He sighted these white cliffs and named the land...

                          Soda Lake

                          Sola Lake   At 3,000 acres, Soda Lake is one of the largest undisturbed alkali wetlands in the state. It provides important habitat for migratory birds, such as black-necked stilts, avocets,...

                          Sola Lake   At 3,000 acres, Soda Lake is one of the largest undisturbed alkali wetlands in the state. It provides important habitat for migratory birds, such as black-necked stilts,...

                            Clocktower Building

                            Agnews State Hospital Clocktower Building Historic Name – Treatment Building Erected 1908 George Sellon, State Architect in collaboration with Dr. Leonard Stocking, Hospital Superintendent...

                            Agnews State Hospital Clocktower Building Historic Name – Treatment Building Erected 1908 George Sellon, State Architect in collaboration with Dr. Leonard Stocking, Hospital...

                              Peter Hunsinger Building

                              Submitted by @lampbane

                              Submitted by @lampbane

                              • new york
                              • queens
                              • long island city
                              • hunters point
                              • peter hunsinger