Scarborough's first Anglican Church was built in 1833 on a .8 ha lot given for a church yard and burying ground by Simon E. Washburn, clerk of the home district and a church warden of St. James' York. The church was named after his wife, Margaret Fitzgibbon, and the saintly eleventh century Queen of Scotland. Early services in the parish were conducted by Dr. John Strachan's divinity students and masters of Upper Canada College until the appointment of the first resident clergyman, Rev. Wm. H. Norris, in 1840. A brick parsonage was built on 2.5 hectares adjoining the churchyard in 1857, and provided a comfortable home for successive clergy for 100 years. The original wooden church, destroyed by fire in 1904, was replaced in 1905 by the small brick building still standing in the cemetery.