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Hugh Kaul


Hugh Kaul followed in the footsteps of his fatehr and grandfather - 

linking business success with service to one's community. He 

successfully organized the Alabama Forestry Association with the 

goal of promoting conservation throughout the forest products

industry in Alabama. He also managed the Kaul Lumber Company

and was involved with several successful ventures and investments.


As a philanthropist. he thought and acted on a large scale -

supporting almost every charity in Birmingham. In 1989. he created

the Hugh Kanl Foundation with a gift of timber assets. On his

death, Mr. Kaul left the bulk of his estate to the Foundation. Since

inception. the Foundation has awarded more than $53 million to

more than 280 local organizations.


The Hugh Kaul Foundation has been instrumental in the growth of

the Birmingham Zoo with a lead gift for the Junior League of

Birmingham - Hugh Kaul Children's Zoo and Trails of Africa. The

Trails of Africa Inspires Passion For The Natural World...through

emphasizing conservation. education. scientific study and research

of wildlife in Africa.


Submitted by @LostToHistory

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