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Carleton University

Founded by the Ottawa Association for the Advancement of Learning to meet the educational needs of war-time Ottawa, this non-denominational college was opened in 1942. In the beginning it was...

Founded by the Ottawa Association for the Advancement of Learning to meet the educational needs of war-time Ottawa, this non-denominational college was opened in 1942. In the beginning it was housed in scattered rented quarters and offered only evening courses in introductory university subjects. However under the leadership of its first president, Dr. Henry Marshall Tory, Carleton College soon inaugurated day classes for veterans, established a Faculty of Arts and Science, and obtained a permanent home. in 1952, six years after granting its first degrees in journalism and public administration, the college received a provincial charter and in 1957 it became Carleton University. Since moving to this campus in 1959, Carleton has increased the number of its undergraduate faculties and expanded its graduate programs.

Plaque via Alan L. Brown's site Ontario Plaques. Full page here.

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