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A Remarkable Life - Enrique Alférez

A REMARKABLE LIFE   Enrique Alférez was born on May 4, 1901 in San Miguel de Mexquital, Zacatecas, Mexico. "His introduction to America came through Texas, followed by four years in Chicago. But...

Enrique Alférez was born on May 4, 1901 in San Miguel de Mexquital, Zacatecas, Mexico. "His introduction to America came through Texas, followed by four years in Chicago. But New Orleans is his American home; a city with which Alférez long has had an intense and smouldering love-hate relationship. Alférez has spent his years in New Orleans challenging and roaring at the municipal pronouncements of city officials and police department personnel whenever they attempted to impose their standards on the public art of the community, especially his." The Art and Times of Enrique Alférez, 1988.
Alférez celebrating his 90th birthday in the Botanical Garden with his daughter, Dr. Tlaloc Alférez, and his wife, Peggy
Pancho Villa on Horse "When I was 12 I ran away from home because had messed up in school, and knew my father was going to get after me. There was a revolution and a lot of fighting in those days and, somehow, ended up ed up behind government lines and ran into the Pancho Villa rebel army. They told me I had two choices. I could get choice shot, or could join them, Not much So I stayed with them ten years until was 22," said Alférez
"I love New Orleans. The place is a good place. But I have had a hell of a lot of difficulties because of ignorance. It's not New Orleans, though. Ignorance with power is everywhere."
Enrique Alférez
Enrique Alférez, age 87
Enrique's father, Longinos Alférez, on his 100th birthday Longinos was sent by the Mexican government to Europe in the 1860s to study art. He established himself as a sculptor of religious statues for churches and hacienda chapels. He committed suicide at the age of 117.
"He climbed a mountain and threw himself off. I guess he couldn't take anymore."
Enrique Alférez
Allérez enjoying the dedication of Enrique Alférez Drive in City Park

Submitted by @lampbane

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