Here, during World War II, the Royal Norwegian Air Force trained its air and ground crews. Land for a training camp was provided free by the Toronto Harbour Commissioners at the foot of Bathurst Street, west of the ferry dock. The camp, known as "Little Norway", was opened officially on November 10, 1940, and by the end of that year, 500 officers and men were stationed there. "Little Norway" consisted of seventeen buildings, including a hospital, headquarters, schools, recreation hall, depot, guardhouse, barracks and messes. Colonel Ole Reistad, commander of the R.N.A.F. in Canada from May, 1941 to April, 1945, was an outstanding sportsman and winner of an Olympic gold medal. In 1943 the "Little Norway" operation was transferred to the Muskoka airfield. A total of 2,657 personnel served in the R.N.A.F. in Canada. Most expenses for their training were paid for by the Norwegian merchant navy.