A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.


TETRAPODThese giant jacks are used to protect harbors fromdamaging currents. As waves hit the tetrapods, the forceof the water is dissipated by the curve of the legs. Thereare 1630 tetrapods on...

These giant jacks are used to protect harbors from
damaging currents. As waves hit the tetrapods, the force
of the water is dissipated by the curve of the legs. There
are 1630 tetrapods on the ocean side of the Crescent
City breakwater. There are 1900 tetrapods and 768 steel
reinforced dolos on the newer leg of the jetty.
This 25-ton tetrapod was on display near Front Street
and was moved nearly three feet off a pedestal by the
force of the March 28, 1964 Tsunami.

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