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Powers Crossing

POWERS CROSSING This embankment, the original site of the TH&B railway trestle bridge over Binkley Hollow, is part of an Ancaster Creek flood/erosion control project. The creek forms the...


This embankment, the original site of the TH&B railway trestle bridge over Binkley Hollow, is part of an Ancaster Creek flood/erosion control project. The creek forms the historical boundaries of the former towns of Ancaster and Dundas and the former City of Hamilton.

Named in Recognition of

A dedicated Dundas resident and Hamilton area politician, Russ Powers has been an active conservationist for as long as he served his community. Mr. Powers became a member of the Hamilton Region Conservation Authority in 1983, when he was first elected to Dundas town council. Keenly interested in water management, he served as Vice-Chairman for six terms before being elected Authority Chairman in 1998.

The Authority made significant administrative and operational advances during his tenure. Among others, for example, were enhancements to Ann Morden and Sydenham Creeks to help flood-proof Dundas, a number of substantial improvements to Wild Waterworks and Confederation Park, improvements to Webster’s Falls Park after its transfer from the Town of Dundas, and completion of the 32 km Hamilton to Brantford Rail Trail.

In total, Russ served the Hamilton Conservation Authority for 18 years. This plaque recognizes that long service and his contribution.

Hamilton Conservation Authority

Healthy Streams…Healthy Communities!

April 27, 2003
Hamilton, ON


Submitted by Owen Anderson

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