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Old Town Hall, Fairfax

This plaque is for the old town building in Fairfax. The wight building was built in 1900. After a new town hall was made it was turned in to a library. The plaque reads- OLD TOWN HALL BUILT 1900...

This plaque is for the old town building in Fairfax. The wight building was built in 1900. After a new town hall was made it was turned in to a library. The plaque reads- OLD TOWN HALL BUILT 1900 Joseph E. Willard, who served as lieutenant governor of Virginia and minister to Spain, built Old town Hall and gave it to the town in 1900. he was said to have been the most influential political figure in Fairfax County at the turn of the century. He was the only child of the Confederate spy, Antonia Ford and Joseph C. Willard, a Union major, co-owner of the famed hotel in Washington, D.C. Submitted by: DD

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