This beautiful lake is twenty-
two miles long, varies in width
from one to two and a half
miles, and covers about thirty-
eight square miles. It was
caused by the delta of the
Chippewa spreading across the gorge of the
Mississippi at the southeastern end of the
lake. Because of its steeper grade, the smaller
Chippewa was able to bring in more glacial
debris than the Mississippi could carry away.
This delta provided a natural dam and as the
water was backed up. Lake Pepin was formed.
State Highway 35 hugs Lake Pepin along most
of Its Wisconsin shore and has been called
one of the most scenic drives In America.
One of Lake Pepin's admirers was William
Cullen Bryant. He praised its natural scenery
and declared the area "ought to be visited
in the summer by every poet and painter in
the land."
Erected 1979
Submitted by @changeup3