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Hopeton-on-the-Altamaha Home of James Hamilton Couper

1.4 mi. Hopeton Plantation, of which Altama [sic] is a part, lies about 1.4 miles West of here. A model rice and sugar Plantation of the early 19th century, described in books by several travelers...

1.4 mi.

Hopeton Plantation, of which Altama [sic] is a part, lies about 1.4 miles West of here. A model rice and sugar Plantation of the early 19th century, described in books by several travelers from Europe, Hopeton is best remembered as the home of James Hamilton Couper. ´A pioneer in the agricultural and industrial development of Georgia and the South,´ James Hamilton Couper was an archaeologist, a geologist, a conchologist, architect and historian -- a man whose abilities and accomplishments would be recognized in any time.


Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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