A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Growing and Changing

A Different Point of ViewVicksburg was pretty bare in the early days. The original townspeople cleared the land and used the trees to construct buildings and open space for farming. When Vicksburg...

A Different Point of View
Vicksburg was pretty bare in the early days. The original townspeople cleared the land and used the trees to construct buildings and open space for farming. When Vicksburg was under siege by the Union Army, the soldiers could see all through the city and across the hills.

Still Growing
Despite the Courthouse's beauty and history, Warren County needed a larger facility. Known as the "New Courthouse", this Art Deco building was built in 1940 under the Public Works Administration created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Public Works Administration provided employment for 8.5 million "depression era" Americans between 1935 and 1943.

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