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Gaspar de Portolá Expedition Campsite

Gaspar de Portolá Expedition Campsite   The Gaspar de Portolá expedition camped twice near this marker. During Spain's initial colonial thrust into Alta California, the exploration party headed...

Gaspar de Portolá Expedition Campsite
The Gaspar de Portolá expedition camped twice near this marker. During Spain's initial colonial thrust into Alta California, the exploration party headed northward from San Diego searching for Monterey Bay. At first, they did not recognize the bay and continued to travel north. Turning east looking for a supply ship, they climbed Sweeney Ridge and on November 4, 1769, made the European discovery of San Francisco Bay. On November 5, they camped near here and traveled to San Francisquito Creek the next day. After some scouting, they reversed course to search once more for the elusive Monterey. On November 12, they again camped near this site at "a small lake".
Dedicated by the Gaspar de Portolá Chapter
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
September 7, 2019
Portola Monument
Build by E. Clampus Vitus
Yerba Buena Number 1
7 September 2019/6024

Submitted by: Eric Goodill

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