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Fremont Peak

Fremont Peak   Fremont Peak was called Gavilan Peak in early Spanish times. Gavilan in English means "hawk." In 1846 Capt. John Charles Fremont, brevet captain of topographical engineers of the...

Fremont Peak
Fremont Peak was called Gavilan Peak in early Spanish times. Gavilan in English means "hawk." In 1846 Capt. John Charles Fremont, brevet captain of topographical engineers of the United States Army, was conducting a survey and exploring expedition in Oregon and California. His presence with an armed force in the settled area was objected to by Prefect Manuel Castro and General Jose Castro and the California authorities. He was ordered to leave. Instead Fremont prepared to resist this request. He ascended Gavilan Peak where he built a fort of logs. A sapling was cut for a flagpole and on March 6, 1846, Fremont raised the flag of the United States. Castro has his forces below at San Juan Bautista. But before any attack was made, Fremont's flagpole blew down on the afternoon of March 9. Fremont taking this as a bad omen broke camp in the night and moved on toward the San Joaquin. So open battle was avoided. After this episode Gavilan Peak again became the meeting place for hawks.
Elevation 3,169 feet

Submitted by: Eric Goodill

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