A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

In Memoriam - Roy Bower and Jack Chambers

In Memoriam From this harbor - in storm - departed Roy Bower and Jack Chambers fishermen of the trolling fleet October 4, A.D. 1936 on a mission of rescue It is not true. Life is not slain by...

In Memoriam From this harbor - in storm - departed Roy Bower and Jack Chambers fishermen of the trolling fleet October 4, A.D. 1936 on a mission of rescue It is not true. Life is not slain...

  • memorial
  • shipwreck
  • fishermen
  • rescue

In Memory of Novadoc

On March 1st, 1947, loaded with 3,860 tons of gypsum, the freighter Novadoc left Deep Brook crossing the bay in front of you bound for Staten Island, New York. Two days later, March 3rd, in the...

On March 1st, 1947, loaded with 3,860 tons of gypsum, the freighter Novadoc left Deep Brook crossing the bay in front of you bound for Staten Island, New York. Two days later, March 3rd, in the...

  • memorial
  • shipwreck

Matthews Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

MATTHEWS HALL This residence Hall was opened in 1965. It bears the name of Albert Matthews, whose service to McMaster University includes membership on the Board of Governors for more than forty...

MATTHEWS HALL This residence Hall was opened in 1965. It bears the name of Albert Matthews, whose service to McMaster University includes membership on the Board of Governors for more than...

    Wallingford Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

    WALLINGFORD HALL                Wallingford Hall perpetuates the name of a McMaster University women’s residence of the 1920’s, in Toronto. That first Wallingford Hall was provided by William...

    WALLINGFORD HALL                Wallingford Hall perpetuates the name of a McMaster University women’s residence of the 1920’s, in Toronto. That first Wallingford Hall was provided by...

      Moulton Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

      MOULTON HALL This residence, opened in 1961, is named in memory of Moulton College, 1888-1954, a girl’s preparatory school that was conducted by McMaster University. Moulton Ladies’ College, as...

      MOULTON HALL This residence, opened in 1961, is named in memory of Moulton College, 1888-1954, a girl’s preparatory school that was conducted by McMaster University. Moulton Ladies’ College,...

        Bates Residence (A McMaster University student residence)

        BATES RESIDENCE                This apartment-style residence, opened in 1973, recalls the name of Marion Stillwell Bates, a McMaster graduate who was the University’s Dean of Women from 1947 to...

        BATES RESIDENCE                This apartment- style residence, opened in 1973, recalls the name of Marion Stillwell Bates, a McMaster graduate who was the University’s Dean of Women from 1947...

          Keyes Residence (A McMaster University student residence)

          Mary E. Keyes Residence This residence, opened in 2003, is named in honour of Dr. Mary E. Keyes (1940 - 2002). Dr. Keyes began her career at McMaster in 1964 as Associate Professor of Kinesiology...

          Mary E. Keyes Residence This residence, opened in 2003, is named in honour of Dr. Mary E. Keyes (1940 - 2002). Dr. Keyes began her career at McMaster in 1964 as Associate Professor of Kinesiology...

            Edwards Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

            EDWARDS HALL                This residence for men was a handsome gift from Gordon C. Edwards, who served for many years on the Board of Governors of the University, and it was named in memory of...

            EDWARDS HALL                This residence for men was a handsome gift from Gordon C. Edwards, who served for many years on the Board of Governors of the University, and it was named in memory of...

              Woodstock Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

              WOODSTOCK HALL                This residence, opened in 1970, recalls Woodstock College, which became part of McMaster University when this institution was created in 1887.               ...

              WOODSTOCK HALL                This residence, opened in 1970, recalls Woodstock College, which became part of McMaster University when this institution was created in 1887....

                Brandon Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

                BRANDON HALL                Brandon Hall, which perpetuates the memory of the association of Brandon College with McMaster University, was opened in 1970.                Brandon College, the...

                BRANDON HALL                Brandon Hall, which perpetuates the memory of the association of Brandon College with McMaster University, was opened in 1970.                Brandon College, the...

                  Hedden Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

                  HEDDEN HALL                This residence, opened in 1991, is named for D. M. Hedden (1916-1982), a graduate of McMaster University. In 1950 “Mike” returned to his alma mater and thereafter served...

                  HEDDEN HALL                This residence, opened in 1991, is named for D. M. Hedden (1916-1982), a graduate of McMaster University. In 1950 “Mike” returned to his alma mater and thereafter...

                    Les Prince Hall (A McMaster University student residence)

                    LES PRINCE HALL                This residence was opened in 2006 and bears the name of Leslie A. Prince, a dedicated teacher, coach and administrator. Between his arrival on campus in 1946 and his...

                    LES PRINCE HALL                This residence was opened in 2006 and bears the name of Leslie A. Prince, a dedicated teacher, coach and administrator. Between his arrival on campus in 1946 and his...

                      Domain of the Oregon Cavemen

                      Submitted by @jqmcd

                      Submitted by @jqmcd

                      • cavemen
                      • oregon
                      • grants pass
                      • oregon

                      Blue Star Memorial Highway

                      A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America Sponsored by Germantown Garden Club in cooperation with Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. And Tennessee...

                      A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America Sponsored by Germantown Garden Club in cooperation with Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. And Tennessee...

                      • shelby county
                      • tennessee

                      Lake Shasta Caverns

                      • lake shasta
                      • california
                      • caverns